Its not everyday our work gets picked up by The Sunday Times, Radio 4’s Today Programme and The Bookseller.  Working for our clients GWR, AmeyTPT have been delighted to play a key role in  bringing a new book vending machine concept to GWR Exeter St Davids Station….which so far seems to have been very well received.

Exeter City of Literature contacted AmeyTPT back in 2021, wanting a vending machine for paperback books to commemorate Allen Lane’s inspiration to found Penguin Books in 1934 whilst waiting for a train at Exeter St Davids Station.  With nothing to read, he came up with the idea of a high quality paperback book, cheap enough to be sold to travellers from corner shops, stations and yes, vending machines.

AmeyTPT have been delighted to work with Exeter City of Literature, Penguin Books, Graddon Vending and GWR to turn the idea into a reality.   The new book vending machine, which was installed last week, has its formal launch in April, but has already attracted lots of attention.

AmeyTPT’s David Corp commented ‘We’ve really loved working alongside GWR on this project and are excited that the new book vending machine seems so popular’.

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