Property Details
Retail / Catering Premises to Let
Coventry Station is one of the fastest growing stations outside London. Comprised of an existing Grade II Listed Station and a new Station Building, it is at the head of the Friargate mixed use development and adjacent to the new bus interchange.
Coventry Station is served by Avanti long distance trains to London, Birmingham & the North and West Midlands Trains to local and regional destinations. In 2023/24 the Station had 6.47 million passengers. (Source: ORR data)
Speak to one of our experts

Phil Duggleby

Stephen Ames
Retail Unit 4 is located at the entrance to the new station building and can be accessed via both the Lower Concourse and platform 1 (southbound to London). It also has frontage to the taxi drop off area on the exterior of the station.
Sainsburys and Greggs already occupy sites on the Lower Concourse.
The Premises are approximately 100m2 (1,077 sq ft) plus seating/servery area to platform 1. The unit is newly constructed and presented in shell condition with glazed shopfront, power, water and drainage. A plant area is allocated on the first floor roof above.
Remote storage is available and external seating on the concourse and by the taxi drop off area will be permitted.
Agreement Details
A bipartite lease for a term to September 2032 will be offered subject to the standard railway determination provisions.
The lease will be excluded from the security of tenure provisions of the 1954 Landlord & Tenant Act.
The incoming tenant will be expected to pay approximately £1,000 plus VAT for the Landlord’s costs associated with the grant of this lease.
We are inviting offers of a Minimum Guaranteed Rent plus an Additional Rent based on a percentage of turnover (where this exceeds the Minimum Guaranteed Rent).
A reasonable rent free period will be allowed.
Subject to upward only rent review every 3 years.
High quality retail or catering use.
The Tenant will be responsible for the costs of all utilities consumed.
Service Charge
Service Charge is not currently levied (however the landlord reserves the right to levy such a charge in future).
Shop Fitting
Network Rail Landlord Consent for the Tenant’s shop fit will be required.
Tenant will be responsible for Business Rates. The Premises have not yet been assessed for Rates.
Energy Performance
The premises have a preliminary rating of A.
For further details relating this opportunity and to arrange an on site visit please contact us:
Phil Duggleby – Senior Portfolio Manager
Email :
Tel : 020 7921 9581
Stephen Ames – Director
Email :
Tel : 020 7921 2930
Phil Duggleby
Senior Portfolio Manager
Phil has many years’ TOC experience with Eurostar, firstly in operational customer experience roles and later as Head of Property. Responsible for the advertising and retail portfolios, he oversaw several high profile developments such as the sponsorship of the ‘Premium First’ lounges by Orange and the retail offer in the departures lounge at St Pancras International. Phil also had responsibility for Eurostar’s operational premises in the UK, France and Belgium and the mothballing of Waterloo International Terminal. After leaving Eurostar Phil was particularly proud to work as a consultant to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Phil brings a wealth of operational and retail property experience to the team, and at Amey TPT works on the Transport for Wales and Avanti West Coast accounts and consulting projects.
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